Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Favorite (and Most Missed) Piece of Architecture

I don't always like to admit it, but I'll say it here: I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. Please stop right now before you even start with the "Ohh's" and "Ahh's". No, I'm not a party animal, I don't know where all the good drug places are and I was NOT a stripper. It's not glamorous, it's not fun and, really, I don't miss it at all. Moving 3,000 miles away is probably the smartest thing I've done in my life.
Now that I've gotten that all off of my chest, I have another thing to admit: I ADORE the Venitian Hotel. My father started working at the hotel before it was even finished being built. As a slot technician, he was brought in to help design the layout of the casino area. I never cared about the casino area; once you've seen one cheesey carpet layout, you've seen them all. What always left me enchanted was the hotel section of the building. I know it's all fake, but the Gothic-style arches and hallways, gold inlays, cherubs and elaborate columns always take my breath away when I go out for a visit.
I think what always got to my was the indoors river that flows around the hotel. Unlike the real Venice, they've spared their guests the rank odor of dead fish. Instead, just beautiful pure, blue water, which perfectly compliments the light peach color of the interior. It adds to the romantic aesthetic of the rest of the hotel.
I rarely go anywhere near the Strip when I visit home, but if I do, this building is the only place where I ever find myself.

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